Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Mother’s Day is Coming!!

Why my sons are the best:

  1. They don’t snip at me over the slightest thing. I hate to tell you what my three sisters and I are like when we’re together. You need big scissors for all the snipping that goes on! Not me, of course. I'm really nice.
  2. I’m pretty sure my sons don’t talk about me behind my back, unless, of course, it’s in glowing terms and thankful phrases.
  3. They don’t pout or go into moody fits of pique.
  4. They come up with the greatest gifts (and I’m not the easiest person to buy for).
  5. They like spending time with me.

The very best gift of love they give to me is their time. I’ve asked them to take me to San Francisco for Mother’s Day. It seems like such a simple request, but our world has become so busy, hectic, and filled with schedules and “To Do” lists, that taking one day to give to another is very special indeed.

Happy Mother’s Day! I wish you a day filled with love and surprises.

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