Thursday, April 12, 2007

True Love (Part 2)

As promised, another story about how hair plays a part in true love.

It was a dark and stormy morning….

Okay, maybe that’s a slight exaggeration. Rain was predicted and it was a bit dreary looking outside, but that doesn’t have the same impact does it?

I cracked the driver’s window down about 3" to start the defrosting process. Wasn’t I so surprised as all get out when the window would not roll back up! This is bad. Dark clouds were rolling across the sky. Oh la, like Scarlett O’Hara, I’ll think about it later.

When I got to work I called the car dealership, and the guy suggested I bang on the door panel, which might loosen the wires. How fun. Look at me being a car mechanic.

I went out at lunch and as instructed, banged on the door panel, and went up. Gosh I’m good. I then did a bad thing. A very bad thing. I tested the window. Hurray! It went all the way down. Uh oh. It wouldn't come back up. This is bad, I said to myself. Very bad. I can't lock the door. What would be the point? The thieves would laugh at my attempt to maintain a sense of security with the window rolled all the way down.

Dark clouds are rolling across the sky. Fortunately, I parked in the covered garage. Unfortunately, I have to go home at some point. Maybe in the rain. What to do, what to do.

I called my husband. He suggested I come home and let HIM bang on the panel. This car whapping seems to be a guy thing.

So, I look outside and gauged whether the sky was simply toying with gloomy or had turned ominous with only minutes to spare before the big sky bucket turned upside down.

I left work thinking I might just beat those rain clouds. That would be good. As I'm walking to the garage, the sprinkles started. That's bad.

I banged on the door panel again...for good measure and then gave a peevish mad mommy look in case that would make a difference. No luck. Banged harder, just to show my superior mechanical ability. Still no luck. I left the garage as the sprinkles turned into pelting drops that were pinging off the ground like hot grease in a skillet. This could be very bad with an open window, I mentioned casually to myself.

I got on the freeway. My hair was blowing in wild abandon across my face. That's bad. I have to squint to see the road. That's bad for wrinkles (for which I spend quite a bit of money to diminish). I got my sunglasses out and used them as a headband. I'm very clever. I mentally pat myself on the back.

Did you know that quite a bit of water sprays directly into an open window when you go by trucks? Just thought you should know for future reference.

The wind, a VERY cold wind, is blowing like a North Pole Tsunami into my ear, which I'm not sure I still have since it's gone numb. That could be bad. I consider the ramifications of frost bite and the loss of an ear, which could be worse than the wrinkles forming from all this squinting.
I finally get home, as the rain lets up. Sure why not.

I take my sunglass headband off. Do you know what happens when your hair is laden with hair spray, styling mousse and a myriad of other thickening products, then pelted with water and blown by freezing wind? Just avert your eyes. I looked like an escapee from a lab that tested unsatisfactory hair products.

And here comes the True Love part: My husband just smiled at me with that sympathetic “you poor dear” look and suggested I go take a shower and put my comfy clothes on while he dealt with the car. Sometimes I wonder if his glasses are strong enough. But maybe he just doesn’t want to hurt my feelings by stating the obvious when it comes to my freakish state of appearance. That’s true love.

As a note of interest, Sid banged on the door and apparently because of his karmic connection with the car, the window went right up. I suspect there was some spiritual healing of the faulty electrical parts.

It must be a guy thing.


Anonymous said...'re just as funny as your husband! I didn't know that two story-tellers could live in the same household, but now I do!

Maybe I ought to write about that camping/fishing trip I took with him, Jeff, and Bob, oh so many years ago...speaking of Wild Women.... ;-)

Barb Mahan said...

You are very lucky to have a husband that you can write about in a positive way. Some women do not have husbands that they can say many good things about. After reading your two love stories it makes me happy knowing you are happy!

lil'cuz said...

hi jeanie
my husband is always telling me to write stories i told him i don't have the talent but obviously someone in our family does i love your stories where were you all those years i was trying to have kids and feeling down
now when i have a bad day i just read your blog and get a real good laugh you should send these to betty and my dad

Anonymous said...

I'm not a good one to ask about blogs. I think they're stupid.